Saturday, June 8, 2013

Basic Reiki FAQ

Basic Reiki FAQ

What is it?

Rei” in Japanese means “universal” and “ki” means “life energy.” Reiki itself dates back over 2000 years to ancient Tibet, where it was used for healing. However, it has been recorded in one form or another in multiple societies at many points in history. It is the equivalent of Chinese Qui Gong.  It is similar in form and function to the energy Jesus used to heal the sick (e.g., “the laying on of hands”). Every living thing has its own energy matrix. Scientific research has proven that a field of bioelectric energy surrounds human beings, and that this energy can be manipulated. This field is Reiki, it is inherent in our being and ties us to the boundless energy of the universe. Reiki does not require intensive training, but does require a series of attunements to assure safety and effectiveness. We may feel Reiki as a sense of warmth or tingling, sometimes a vibratory sensation in our palms.

How it Works

The universe is a living being and requires no instruction. As such, the healing energy we draw from the universe requires no direction or effort. We are not the healer, we are merely the channel through which the One (of which we are all a part) chooses to heal itself. Reiki can be turned on by a mere thought or intention or, if it aids the practitioner or the client, a verbal cue (such as “Reiki on”). As a living energy, Reiki knows where to go, what to do, and when to stop. It is not possible to harm using Reiki (though it is possible to inadvertently draw from one’s own life force to heal, or to absorb the negative energy of another while healing - this is why the Usui method of Reiki has had safeguards built into its attunements for generations). Because energy is everywhere and all energies are interconnected, Reiki does not need contact to work. It can be sent across two inches, from one outstretched palm to another - or, with a thought, over 2000 miles.

What Can I Expect From a Reiki Session?

Everyone experiences Reiki differently. Some experience warmth or tingling, or a relaxation of tension. Some experience a relaxation and a stillness that is present more in mind than in body. Some even fall asleep! And some, rarely, feel nothing at all. This is not an indication that the Reiki is not working - more often it is an indication that the person’s aura, their bioelectric field, is damaged. This can be a result of ill health, stress, abuse, or many other factors; and is one of the reasons a Reiki session is performed. Reiki is particularly well-suited for treating ailments of the spirit, but as a basic study of the chakra system will tell you, physical ailments often have their root in the spiritual realm. Reiki is usually given to someone sitting or lying in a comfortable position, fully clothed. Traditional meditative poses are excellent, if possible. The practitioner’s hands are placed on or slightly above the body, in 22-24 different positions to ensure energy is distributed evenly to all points in the body. The Reiki recipient is free to do whatever feels natural during the session - sleep, meditate, talk, or just rest quietly. Background music or incense may be used, at the practitioner’s and/or the client’s discretion.

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