Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Healing the Root Chakra

The root chakra is our center of security and safety, where our basest needs (food, shelter) are met. It is where we harbor our sense of duty and our relationships to family and community. As its color is red, crystals to use in aiding this meditation include garnet, ruby, and red jasper. Hematite is also good for use on a dysfunctional root chakra, as it has a powerful grounding energy. Foods to stimulate this chakra include meats, tomatoes, and hearty ethnic fare such as pasta, curry or paella.

Guided Meditation

1) Begin in a sitting position, with your spine as straight as is comfortable and your legs folded beneath you (or, in a chair, with feet flat on the ground.)

2) Take several deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. If you prefer to breathe only through your nose or mouth, that’s okay too. Use the breaths to relax your muscles and your mind. Keep your belly soft. Let your hands rest palm-up on your knees in the posture of “calm abiding.” Close your eyes and let your mind drift.

3) Picture the Muladhara blossom or simply a red cube at the base of your spine, near your tailbone. Intensify the color and enlarge the cube in your vision. Feel the chakra, the weight of your body pulling you into the floor.

4) When your image of the chakra’s light is steady and strong, picture yourself in an environment you find secure and calming (a place in nature, or a favorite room in your home). Picture yourself looking at photographs of loved ones and familiar places. Let the sense of belonging and purpose wash over you. Remind yourself that you are safe no matter where you are; have faith in the fact that you are entitled simply to be. Feel as one with the universe. Give thanks for the challenged you have faced, for they have built your character and helped you find the strength to ensure and grow.

5) When you feel calm and connected, withdraw from the scene, and bring your attention once again to the red cube at the base of your spine. Intensify the cube’s light, and expand it to envelop your entire body, your home, your community, and finally the world. When all of creation is together in that warm red glow, seal the chakra with a cho ku rei (sketched on the air with a fingertip, or mentally) and, continuing to breathe deeply, come out of the meditation.  You will need a few minutes to become grounded once again. Enjoy this time.

Affirmations for the Root Chakra

I feel deeply rooted to the earth.
I have everything I need.
I feel connected to and care for my body.
I have a right to be here.
I stand up for what I believe in.
I am stable, secure and self-sufficient.
I nurture my body with all the best - healthy food, clean water, exercise, play and adequate rest.
I am grateful for the challenges that have helped me to grow.
I trust in the inherent goodness of life and the people around me.
I make choices that are healthy and good for me.
I trust and believe in myself.
I love life.

*Note: It is recommended that when meditating on opening the chakras, one works from root to crown in order - particularly if this is the first time working with the chakra system, or the first time after a long lapse in meditative study. Some time should be spent on each chakra (I usually take about a week). Repeat the affirmations morning and evening, and complete the guided meditation several times in a week. Feel free to get to know your chakra - use the crystals associated with healing for that particular energy center, eat the foods that will stimulate and open the blossom. Keep an eye out for next week’s post on the Sacral Chakra…

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