Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Healing the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the crown of the head (some drawings depict it hovering just above the skull). The crown chakra is our center of spiritual connection and communication, our link to the Source. It is the conduit through which we receive divine energy, wisdom, and knowledge. Dysfunction in the crown chakra will lead to feelings of disconnection, loneliness, sometimes abandonment. The color associated with this chakra is purple or violet, though it is often associated with white light as well. Clear quartz is an excellent crystal to stimulate this chakra; amethyst or clear kunzite are also good choices. A healthy crown chakra regulates the functions of all other chakras, and will allow a person to feel happy, content and even enlightened. The vibrations of this chakra are best served by fasting, or doing a cleanse or detox with things such as ginger and green tea. Activities that influence this chakra are meditation, worship (f one adheres to a particular religious dogma), yoga, and lucid dreaming. 
Guided Meditation
1) Begin in a sitting position, with your spine as straight as is comfortable and your legs folded beneath you (or, in a chair, with feet flat on the ground).
2) Take several deep breaths. Use the breaths to relax your muscles and your mind. Keep your belly soft. Let your hands rest palm-up on your knees in the posture of “calm abiding.” Close your eyes and let your mind drift. 
3) Picture the crown chakra, as a violet, thousand-petaled blossom on the top of your head. Feel the violet color intensify. Then picture a beam of white light, shining down from above your head, and entering your body through the blossom. The white light is healing and powerful. Let yourself be filled up with it. Imagine all pain, discomfort, illness and negativity as black clots in the body. Let the white light fill you up and flush the blackness out, let it burn away all negative energy until you are a shining vessel overflowing with light. Let your body bask in this light.
4) Become aware of the following truths: This is divinity. This is you. Recognize that you are directly connected to the source. You have no need of mediation or self-doubt. Recognize the divinity within yourself. This feeling goes beyond freedom - you are the universe, imagining itself. All things are possible because with your thoughts and words, you alter the world around it. Your reality is in your own hands. Constraints are illusions, let them go. You are a spiritual being living a physical experience, and you are capable of transcendence.
5) Rest quietly in this new knowledge, letting the light continue to fill you and move through you. 
6) When you are ready, bring your attention once again to the violet blossom on the top of your head. Allow the petals to fold inward, like a flower which has had its fill of sunlight. Feel the violet color soften and bathe your body in its glow. When this image is clear and complete, seal the chakra with a cho ku rei (drawn in the air with a fingertip or mentally) and, continuing to breathe deeply, come out of the meditation. You will need a few minutes to become grounded once again. Enjoy this time.
Affirmations for the Crown Chakra
I am one with the Source (higher power, universal energy).
I accept myself as I am, with love and gratitude.
I gratefully accept the blessings the universe has in store for me.
I release all limitations and constraints, for they are false.
I have within myself all the creative force of the cosmos. 
I am radiant with love and uniqueness of character. 
My mind is open and eager to accept new information.
I endeavor in thought, word and deed to elevate my consciousness. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Healing the Third Eye

The brow chakra, or Ajna, is more commonly known as the third eye. It is located directly between and slightly above the physical eyes, and affects both inner and outer vision as well as the head and brain, including the pineal gland. The third eye affects our intuition, our instincts, and our world view - someone suffering a dysfunction in the brow chakra may find that the way they see the world is bleak and unpleasant, or have a negative view of others or, often, themselves. People with a closed third eye do not trust their instincts and frequently second-guess themselves. Someone with a healthy third eye will be able to feel the flow of their intuition and rely on it, and may even be in tune with guidance from their higher selves or psychic vision. Activities to inspire a healthy third eye include meditation, scrying or divination, and binaural beat therapy. Crystals to stimulate it include sodalite, lapis lazuli and sapphire. While a diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and DHA can stimulate brain function (including the function of the pineal gland), the best way to encourage positive function of the higher chakras is with occasional fasting.

Guided Meditation

1) Begin in a sitting position, with your spine as straight as is comfortable and your legs folded beneath you (or, in a chair, with feet flat on the ground).

2) Take several deep breaths. Use the breaths to relax your muscles and your mind. Keep your belly soft. Let your hands rest palm-up on your knees in the posture of “calm abiding.” Close your eyes and let your mind drift.

3) Picture the Ajna blossom, or merely a star of indigo light, at the location of the third eye on your forehead. Feel its warmth, the soothing sensation of its light as its healing power makes itself known. Continue breathing slowly and deeply, and see the glow increase and intensify with each breath. Let your body relax.

4) Picture yourself beneath a large, open night sky. As your eyes adjust to the glittering vault of stars above you, take notice of them, of the patterns and pictures they form. These constellations, these patterns and images are for you. They are created by your subconscious, a message from your higher self. Gaze patiently, and read what the stars and glimmering cosmos are trying to tell you. If any particular message or image proves too difficult to grasp at this time, let it go and move on - the meaning will become clear when it is necessary, and when you are ready to hear it. Even if nothing at all is learned from this exercise, that’s okay - these are your stars, your heavens; and you are free to visit this place as often as you like and learn from them whenever you need to. When you have gained the knowledge you seek, or feel peace in the knowledge that you shall when you are ready, you may exit the scene. Calmly bring your awareness into your body once again.

5) When you are satisfied, and feel that your chakra has taught you all you need to know for the day, relax and let your mind drift. When you are ready, bring your attention once again to the glowing indigo blossom at your third eye. Feel its light envelop you, the glow spreading outward, bathing everything within your mind’s eye in the light of knowledge. When this image is clear and complete, seal the chakra with a cho ku rei (drawn in the air with a fingertip or mentally) and, continuing to breathe deeply, come out of the meditation. You will need a few minutes to become grounded once again. Enjoy this time.

Affirmations for the Third Eye

I think the very best of myself at all times.

I am open to receive wisdom and guidance from my higher self.

I believe the world is a beautiful place.

I believe that my fellow beings are inherently good and precious.

I believe that I am inherently good and precious.

I open myself to new energy, new people, places and experiences.

I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding.

I let go of the negativity from my past.

I am full of clarity and unlimited vision.

I trust myself to inspire and create my highest good.

I trust in the knowledge and experience that the Universe has in store for me.

I believe that I am unstoppable.

Healing the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, or “Vishudda,” affects the throat, mouth, teeth, jaw and ears. It governs our ability to express ourselves, to speak our truth and also to hear the truth and positivity in the words of others. Someone with a healthy throat chakra will be able to articulate their thoughts, emotions, needs and desires clearly. If there is dysfunction in this chakra, difficulty communicating is sure to follow. Associated with paler shades of blue, this chakra responds well to the resonances of crystals such as aquamarine and blue lace agate. A diet to encourage its healthy function will include herbal teas such as chamomile, and will feature dairy and refined sugar only sparingly. Because this chakra is the focus of voice and communication, stimulate it by practicing chanting, singing; or, alternately, thoughtful silence and reflection or journal-keeping.

Guided Meditation

1) Begin in a sitting position, with your spine as straight as is comfortable and your legs folded beneath you (or, in a chair, with feet flat on the ground).

2) Take several deep breaths. Use the breaths to relax your muscles and your mind. Keep your belly soft. Let your hands rest palm-up on your knees in the posture of “calm abiding.” Close your eyes and let your mind drift.

3) Picture the Vishuddha blossom, or merely a spiral of pale blue light, at the base of your throat near the pulse point. Feel its warmth, the soothing sensation of its light as its healing power makes itself known. Continue breathing slowly and deeply, and see the glow increase and intensify with each breath. Let your body relax.

4) Picture yourself on an open shore. The sun glints off the waves, the ocean’s thunder calmed in late afternoon, a quiet susurration. Here, you are at ease. Here, you are free to be entirely yourself. Converse with your inner being. Are there truths you have been denying? Are there questions you wish to have answered? Use the crystalline glow of your throat chakra, so like the open blue sky above, to bring these thoughts and words to light. Use your voice and fear nothing. Speak with honesty and integrity, and allow only the same to be spoken to you. Use your voice to spread positivity, and you will receive only positivity in return. When you are at peace here, when your inner voice is strong and clear, leave the shore - taking with you the confidence and clarity that you will henceforth use to communicate in everyday life.

5) When you are satisfied, and feel that your chakra has taught you all you need to know for the day, relax and let your mind drift. When you are ready, bring your attention once again to the glowing
blue blossom at your neck. Feel its light envelop you, and then the room, and finally the community around you - surrounding yourself and others in the light of clarity and understanding. When this image is clear and complete, seal the chakra with a cho ku rei (drawn in the air with a fingertip or mentally) and, continuing to breathe deeply, come out of the meditation. You will need a few minutes to become grounded once again. Enjoy this time.

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra

I live in my truth, I communicate my truth.

Communication is vital to my well-being.

I share my experiences openly.

I express my needs and desires clearly and without shame.

I listen to the truth of others.

I communicate openly with those who are open with me.

I listen to myself and trust my inner voice.

I develop my integrity by telling the truth.

My spirit rests in peace and silence.

I share my feelings easily.

I communicate what is true for me, without projecting my truth onto others.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Healing the Heart Chakra

Note: Thanks to everyone for your patience as we work to get this latest meditation up and “on the air.” This season is always a busy time for us as we are sure it is for you, and an illness in the family has kept us close to home. We hope that you enjoy this installment of the Chakra Challenge, may it help you further along your own path towards healing and happiness! Love and Light, ~DR

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is located in the ribcage near the organic heart. Its purpose in our physiology includes regulating the function of the heart and lungs, but its spiritual purpose is just as important. The heart chakra is where we store our sense of self-love and contentment, where we nurture our inner child. It is where we feel love for others in its purest forms, and the source of our feelings of connection. A dysfunctional heart chakra can lead to the illusion of separation, a sort of “me against the world” attitude which is counter-productive and unhealthy. Let the heart chakra blossom to feel your connection with those around you and with the universe at large. This chakra loves the affectionate color pink and the healing color green; good crystals to use when working with this chakra include rose quartz (associated with unconditional love), aventurine, and peridot. Nourishing foods include those that are nourishing to the heart and circulatory system; including dark leafy greens and grains such as oatmeal and quinoa. Because the heart chakra is the link between the lower three (feminine) chakras (associated with receiving energy) and the upper three (masculine) chakras (associated with giving energy), it is our center of relation and interaction with the world around us. The condition of the heart chakra affects our entire worldview, so stimulate and heal it by engaging in activities such as qi gong, balancing meditations, and volunteer work.

Guided Meditation

1) Begin in a sitting position, with your spine as straight as is comfortable and your legs folded beneath you (or, in a chair, with feet flat on the ground.

2) Take several deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. If you prefer to breathe only through your nose or mouth, that’s okay too. Use the breaths to relax your muscles and your mind. Keep your belly soft. Let your hands rest palm-up on your knees in the posture of “calm abiding.” Close your eyes and let your mind drift.

3) Picture the Anahata blossom, or simply a heart of green (or pink) light in the center of your chest. Feel its warmth and healing power; see it pulse in time with your heartbeat. Allow the glow to increase with each heartbeat. Allow the light to expand in your chest. Let your body relax.

4) Picture yourself in a scene in nature. Woods, a peaceful lake, on a mountaintop at sunrise, even in an underwater grotto. Choose the place that feels most lovely and healing to you. Allow yourself to rest and be comfortable in this place. Look around you, taking in the beauty and the quiet. Feel how much love mother nature has for you. Let this love envelop and buoy you as you reflect on your love for yourself. Is it lacking? Do you feel unappreciated? Realize that you are deserving of love and respect from your very self. The child you once were, whom you can clearly picture in your mind’s eye, is still present within you and needs love and affection. Remind yourself that to love yourself unconditionally is both deserved and demanded, your very soul cries out for the gentle healing of love. Remind yourself that if you feel loved, it will be easier to love others. Do you feel kindness and empathy for those around you? Do you find it easy to relate to those outside yourself? Do you realize that we are all one, or are you trapped by the illusion of separation? Realize that in loving yourself, you must love others; and by showing your love to others, you are in fact showing love to yourself.

5) When you have seen - if only for a moment - past the illusion of separation, and your inner child is smiling and content, take a moment to heal your past hurts. The heart is heavy with griefs and regrets. Look at each of them, as if flipping through a photo album. Do not dwell, offer only a brief glance. With each one, think “This was a hard lesson, but a lesson nonetheless. I accept it and let it go.” As you release each painful memory and bad feeling, feel your heart grow a little lighter, that glow surrounding it shining more and more.

6) When you are satisfied, and your heart feels light and content, withdraw from the scene you have created in your mind. Bring your attention once again to the green (or pink) light in your chest. Intensify the light and color, and wrap your body in the warm glow. Feel the chakra blossom as you experience love for yourself and unity with others. When you feel you are finished, seal the chakra with a cho ku rei (sketched on the air with a fingertip, or mentally) and, continuing to breathe deeply, come out of the meditation.  You will need a few minutes to become grounded once again. Enjoy this time.

Affirmations for the Heart Chakra

I am open to receiving love.
All the love in the universe is inside my heart.
I love and accept myself with no reservations.
I care for my inner child.
I am wanted, loved and appreciated.
I have grace and gratitude in my life.
The idea of separation is an illusion.
I know that I am one with the universe.
I have love and empathy for those around me.
I am grateful for the challenges that have encouraged me to open my heart.
I am connected with other human beings.
I have appreciation for nature.
I accept my life as it is, knowing I am a perfect being.
I am peaceful and content.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ra Key pendant

I recently obtained my ZPE technology Ra Key from guru Arcturus Ra (http://www.ra-key.com/) and am amazed by its power and the benefits it has brought to my life. To enhance the key's power with some of her own crystal magic, my wife made a strand to hold it with garnet, clear quartz, hematite, carnelian and snowflake obsidian. A great gift for an already powerful tool!

Check out her page to see more creations like this one, both for fashion and more practical purposes: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stardustsage-Designs/147656582087668

Blossoms for the Lower Three ("feminine" chakras)

 Manipura Blossom, or Solar Plexus Chakra - "lustrous jewel"

Svadisthana Blossom, or Sacral Chakra - "my own sweet abode"

Muladhara Blossom, or Root Chakra

Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, is located in the belly just above the navel. Associated with the color yellow, its flowering is enhanced with the use of crystals such as citrine, amber and yellow topaz (which incidentally is the birthstone for the month of November). The solar plexus chakra favors sunny foods such as lemon and grapefruit, and encourages the intake of Vitamin C to help it flourish. Activities to stimulate it can include competitive activities such as sports or martial art, theater or debate, or qi gong. It is where our beliefs and values, personal identity, and sense of self-worth dwell. It is the voice that tells us, we are good enough. Manipura means “lustrous jewel,” highlighting the multifaceted brilliance of each person’s personality.

Guided Meditation

1) Begin in a sitting position, with your spine as straight as is comfortable and your legs folded beneath you (or, in a chair, with feet flat on the ground.

2) Take several deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. If you prefer to breathe only through your nose or mouth, that’s okay too. Use the breaths to relax your muscles and your mind. Keep your belly soft. Let your hands rest palm-up on your knees in the posture of “calm abiding.” Close your eyes and let your mind drift.

3) Picture the Manipura blossom, or simply a globe of yellow light within your belly, expanding outward with a gentle glow. Enlarge the globe and intensify the color. Let your body relax and feel the warmth of the bright yellow color envelop your body.

4) When your image of the chakra’s light is steady and strong, allow your mind to drift. The animal commonly associated with the Manipura is the lion, with an archetype of the peaceful warrior. Picture yourself as a fierce lion, proud and strong; or as a warrior, ready and able to defend yourself and to stand up for what you believe in. Feel the strength from these images flow into your body. Feel your spine straighten as you gather confidence from the conviction in your beliefs. Look back with new understanding on the challenges you have faced up to this point, and congratulate yourself for those occasions when you have acted with integrity and honor. Remind yourself that you must be true to yourself first and foremost, and to have faith in your own beliefs and your own inherent value. Rest quietly and reflect on the brilliant facets of your personal identity. This is you; a physical manifestation of the perfection of your spirit. Be proud of yourself, and know that you are enough. See how brightly you shine. You are unique and pristine, a gem worthy of protecting. You have the personal power to accomplish your goals, and assert your right to the life you want. Remind yourself of this feeling of innate pride, worthiness and personal integrity once more, and rest in the knowledge of what you have learned. Practice feeling comfortable in your own skin.

5) When you feel you have finished, and feel strong and content in yourself, withdraw from the scene you have created in your mind. Bring your attention once again to the yellow sphere in your belly. Intensify the light and color, and wrap your body in the warm glow. Feel the chakra blossom as you acknowledge your worth and personal dignity. When you feel you are finished, seal the chakra with a cho ku rei (sketched on the air with a fingertip, or mentally) and, continuing to breathe deeply, come out of the meditation.  You will need a few minutes to become grounded once again. Enjoy this time.

Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra

I love and accept myself.
I stand up for myself.
I stand up for my beliefs.
I choose things that are good for me.
I choose to associate with people that promote my health and happiness.
I am authentic.
I am in control of my own life.
I am strong and fully aware of my strength.
I seek opportunities for growth.
I am proud of my achievements.
I express myself freely.
I appreciate and honor myself.
I am at peace with myself.
I am worth my weight in gold.